Thursday, September 5, 2024

Do You Want To Learn Tarot 🔮

 This Blog Is Being Created A Little At a Time, Enjoy. Love Yall

💥In This Blog

          Seventy-Eight Tarot Card Descriptions

          The Seven Chakras

          The Twelve Zodiac Signs

          The Twelve Houses Of Your Life

💥Major Arcana

0 The Fool 

1 (II)The Magician

2 (II)The High Priestess

3 (III)The Empress

4 (IV)The Emperor

5 (V)The Hierophant

6 (VI)The Lovers

7 (VII)The Chariot

8 (VIII)Strength

9 (IX)The Hermit

10 (X)Wheel Of Fortune

11 (XI)Justice

12 (XII)The Hanged Man

13 (XIII)Death

14 (XIV)Temperance

15 (XV)The Devil

16 (XVI)The Tower

17 (XVII)The Star

18 (XVIII)The Moon

19 (XIXThe )Sun

20 (XX)Judgement

21 (XXI)The World

💥Minor Arcana Pictorial

Ace Of Cups

Two Of Cups

Three Of Cups

Four Of Cups

Five Of Cups

Six Of Cups

Seven Of Cups

Eight Of Cups

Nine Of Cups

Ten Of Cups

Page Of Cups

Knight Of Cups

Queen Of Cups

King Of Cups

Ace Of Wands

Two Of Wands

Three Of Wands

Four Of Wands

Five Of Wands

Six Of Wands

Seven Of Wands

Eight Of Wands

Nine Of Wands

Ten Of Wands

Page Of Wands

Knight Of Wands

Queen Of Wands

King Of Wands

Ace of Pentacles

Two Of Pentacles

Three Of Pentacles

Four Of Pentacles

Five Of Pentacles

Six Of Pentacles

Seven Of Pentacles

Eight Of Pentacles

Nine Of Pentacles

Ten Of Pentacles

Page Of Pentacles

Knight Of Pentacles

Queen Of Pentacles

King Of Pentacles

Ace Of Swords

Two Of Swords

Three Of Swords

Four Of Swords

Five Of Swords

Six Of Swords

Seven Of Swords

Eight Of Swords

Nine Of Swords

Ten Of Swords

Page OF Swords

Knight Of Swords

Queen Of Swords

King Of Swords

                                           Chakra 7 Crown Chakra

Chakra 6 Third Eye

                                                 Chakra 5 Throat

Chakra 4 Heart

Chakra 3 Solar Plexus

Chakra 2 Sacral

Chakra 1 Root Chakra

💥12 Zodiac Signs And Preferences Of Date Born

Aries: March 21–April 19

Taurus: April 20–May 20

Gemini: May 21–June 21

Cancer: June 22–July 22

Leo: July 23–August 22

Virgo: August 23–September 22

Libra: September 23–October 23

Scorpio: October 24–November 21

Sagittarius: November 22–December 21

Capricorn: December 22–January 19

Aquarius: January 20–February 18

Pisces: February 19–March 20 

💥12 Houses of Your Life

House #1

House #2

House #3

House #4

House #5

House #6

House #7

House #8

House #9

House #10

House #11

House #12 

Most Important Four Corners Of Your Life

💥Planets Of You Birth Chart Describes What Is Manifesting

Planet                 Rulership            Detriment                     Keyword

The Sun                      Leo                     Aquarius                      Self

 The Moon                     Cancer             Capricorn                      Feelings

Mercury               Gemini/Virgo        Sagittarius/Pisces             Thoughts

Venus                  Taurus/Libra  Scorpio/Aries              Attraction

Mars                  Aries/Scorpio  Libra/Taurus                 Desire

Jupiter              Sagittarius/Pisces    Gemini/Virgo                 Faith

Saturn            Capricorn/Aquarius     Cancer/Leo                Boundaries

Uranus                 Aquarius                  Leo                      Break-through

Neptune                    Pisces                        Virgo                 Inspiration

Pluto                   Scorpio                Taurus            Transformation

Chiron                                                                                    Healing

Ceres                                                                          Nurturing

Pallas                                                                           Wisdom

Juno Marriage


Vesta                                                                    Self-sufficiency

Eris                                                                              Soul Purpose

Makemake                                                               Earth Issues

Haumea                                                                      Earth Goddess

Part of Fortune                                                       Good Fortune

North Node                                                                    Destiny

South Node                                                               Karmic Past

[ASC] Ascendant First House

Appearance Whats For You                                          

[IC] Immune Coeli Fourth House

[DESC] Seventh House     

 Whats Against You                                                        

[MC] Midheaven Tenth House                                                   Career

Most Important View

Do You Want To Learn Tarot 🔮

 This Blog Is Being Created A Little At a Time, Enjoy. Love Yall 💥In This Blog           Seventy-Eight  Tarot Card Descriptions           T...