Sunday, May 19, 2024

💌The Book Of The Watchers Enoch, All 108 Chapters In Detail Main Focus Of Each Individual Chapter, Including The Fall And Rise Of The Fallen Angels 💌🕯Official Cloud W🕯sper McQueen Tarot

💌The Book Of The Watchers Enoch, All 108 Chapters In Detail Main Focus Of Each Individual Chapter, Including The Fall And Rise Of The Fallen Angels

For The Good Vibes Click Here 💥Positive Thrust of Energy 🔔Titanium Bowl Meditation 🎐Windchime 🎶Fan 🌧Rainy Sunset In Kentucky

👑💖💌Official Cloud Wysper McQueen 😳I Love Talking To The Divine Above 💥He Talks Back When You Listen 💥Click Here For Behind The Scenes Videos

You Cannot Have Genisis Without Enoch, What Do They Not Want You To Know Is, It Was Morally Necessary For The Flood If You Do Not Know Anything We Are Talking about Here, You Will Not Ever Think Of Your Spiritual World or Your They Way Youve been Brought Up The Same After Knowing These facts. 

        When They Discovered The Dead Sea Scrolls (The Oldest Version Of The Ten Commandments) In 1947 It opened Up A Brand New Tradition For Some. Archeologists Found The Book Of Enoch With The Documents, The Original Year For This Book Was believed To Be 1917. It was such a Preserved Package, Secretarial Notes, A Varity Of Information. Most of it still In Tacked. It Is Believed to be written by Noah's Great Grandfather Enoch. Jewish Rejected Thís Book Because It Referenced To Taroh Which is Tarot, Enoch Was Taken Through The Ten Heavens Through a Triangle Portal Through Earth Centered Cosmos. If you Don't Believe In Spirit Then you Don't Believe In Jesus Himself, Mary Didn't Have Sexual Relations to Get Pregnant, She Was A Virgin. So If You Don't Believe In Spirts And Believe In Jesus You Are Your Own Hypocrite. This Book Is So Raw Even Your Grandma Cant Smoothe it. Its A Book You Cannot Sugar Coat or Be Misled Upon, another reason they don't want you to read it. 

Video Uploaded to Cloud Wysper McQueen Tarot YouTube Channel 💥Enoch or King James 🤔Who Do You Trust The Most 👑💖Enoch Was Crowned Arkangel Metatron For One Reason

💥In this Book The missing information that is a necessity for humanity today and the days to come. Lets go through the layout of what exactly they found Together.

Chapters 1-36 Book Of The Watchers

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the infernal regions of ancient Greek mythology. The name was originally used for the deepest region of the world, the lower of the two parts of the underworld, where the gods locked up their enemies. It gradually came to mean the entire underworld. Tartarus | Underworld, Punishment, Prison | Britannica

 A cherub (/ˈtʃɛrəb/; pl. : cherubim; Hebrew: כְּרוּב kərūḇ, pl. כְּרוּבִים kərūḇīm, likely borrowed from a derived form of Akkadian: 𒅗𒊏𒁍 karabu "to bless" such as 𒅗𒊑𒁍 karibu, "one who blesses", a name for the Lamassu) is one of the unearthly beings who directly attend to God, according to Abrahamic religionsCherub - Wikipedia

If Your a Rare Blood type You Belong IN this Group, Like RH Negative The Blood Of The Universe The Golden Blood, The Chosen

Video By The Lion Of Judah Channel Will Explain In Detail, Best Video Ever! Enoch And The Chosen Ones 144,000 The Prophecy of Enoch You Have Never Heard Of - You Might Want To Watch This Right Away 

Chapters 1-5 This Parable Is On the Future Lot Of The Wicked and the Righteous

Chapter 1(I) Enoch Understood Everything He Heard and Saw In Detail, not for this Generation, but for the One to Come The Collective Generation 11:11 144,000, 72,000 Women and 72,000 Men 12 Tribes 12,000 Per Tribe, How many Zodiacs Do We have, 12, How Many Houses Do We Have In Our Birth Chart, 12, the number 12 will be very significant in this blog because When you Look Up The 77 Generational DNA Tactic Luke's seventy-seven generations - Livius , EXAMPLE Mahalalel Fifth  Sign Of The Zodiac Is Leo, Enoch Is Seventh From Adam (Aries) Which Is The First Born 💥So Which Sign Is Enoch, you'll find One Of Each Zodiac Sign Was Born First, no one in between, Sun & Moon: Luminaries in Astrology (

Chapter 2(II) Explains The Luminaries Rising and Setting at its Own Season, Sun & Moon: Luminaries in Astrology ( How they Do Not Change Orbits, Transgress Not Against The Their Own Appointed Order, Each In Its Own, The Universe Is Not Created By Man, in case you didn't know, Man just simply tries to Manipulate it and which cause the energy to be thrown off, a Disruption in the Energy throughout the whole Universe

Chapter 3(III) The Fourteen Trees That Never Loose Their Foliage at Any Time During Any Season and What They Represent Trees That Don't Lose Their Leaves | Strobert Tree Services

Chapter 4(IV) Observe the Days Of Summer How The Sun Is Above The Earth The Seasons, the Equinox, and the Solstices (

Chapter 5(V) Understanding His (The Sun) Works Goes On From Year To Year Forever What Is the Solar Cycle? | NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids

Chapters 6-11 The Fallen Angels Demoralization Of Humankind The Intercession Of the Angels On Mankind The Dooms are Said Out loud By God on the Angels Who Betrayed It All, The Messianic Kingdom

Chapter 6(VI) And They Were In All Two Hundred Who Descended In The Days Of Jared Long Ago 200 Angelic Beings Descended Upon Mount Hermon & Things Were Never The Same Again - Herbert R. Sim (

Chapter 7(VII) And When The Men Could No Longer Sustain them, The Giants Devoured Mankind By Turning Against Them Genesis 6:1-7 (

Chapter 8(VIII) And As Men Perished, They Cried, and Their Cry Went Up To Heaven 

Chapter 9(IX) and Then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Looked Down From Heaven and Saw Much Blood Being Spread Upon the Earth, Azazel (The Scapegoat) In Big Trouble Here (this is where taroh or tarot comes in) Azazel - New World Encyclopedia Some Did Not Use It Right, caused chaos for the everyone

Chapter 10(X) And No Request That They Their Fathers Make Of Thee Shall Be Granted, meaning the ancestors of one person could not speak for them, excuses and time cannot be explained, only Spiritual Action Taken By That Person)

Chapter 11(XI) And In those days I Will Open The Store Chambers Of Blessings Which Are In Heaven So As to Send them Down Upon Earth What Is the Significance of God’s Storehouses in the Bible? (

Chapters 12-16 Dream Visons Of Enoch (The Scriber or the Scribe Of Judgment), What Did He See? His Vision Of Azazel and the Fallen Angels, He Made An Announcement Of Their First and Final End

Chapter 12(XII) And His Activities Had to Do With The Watchers, And His Days Were With The Holy Ones, Referred To As Enoch The Scribe By The Divine Himself  Enoch - Wikipedia

Chapter 13(XIII) And Enoch Said To Azazel, Thou Shalt Have No Peace, A Severe Sentence Has Gone Forth Against Thee, HE Is In Trouble For Leading The Watchers Astray, But Yet The Watchers Knew Better But Made Packed Amongst Themselves Azazel - Wikipedia

Chapter 14(XIV) I saw In My Sleep What I will Now Say By The Flesh Of Tongue And with Breathe In My Mouth

Chapter 15(XV) But You were Formally Spiritual, Living Eternal Lives Immortal For all Generation s Of The World, Talking about When They Took Wives they Was Not The Best Choice Because They were No Longer Immortal

Chapter 16(XVI) You Have Been In Heaven But All The Mysteries Have Not Been Revealed to You, and through These Mysteries Men And Woman Work Much evil On Earth

Chapters 17-36 Will Give you Enochs Journey Through The Earth and Shoel In case you didn't know, Enoch Traveled Through A Portal Shaped as a Triangle to Heaven

Chapters 17-19 The First Journey

Chapter 17(XVII) I Saw The Great rivers, and came to The Darkness where No Flesh Walks Rivers & Revelation: Enoch, Jesus and the Jordan River – Vridar

Chapter 18(XVIII) I Saw the Four Winds Which Bear the Firmament and Earth Above Heaven, I saw The Winds Of Heaven Which Turn and Bring The Circumference Of The Sun and All the Stars To Their Settings, "This Place Is The End Of Heaven and Earth, This Has Become A Prison For the Stars and the Host Of Heaven The Four Winds (Mesopotamian) Wikipedia What does Revelation 7:1 mean? | The Firmament Dwelling place of The Holy One and other heavenly beings Firmament - Wikipedia

Chapter 19(XIX) Here shall Stand the Angels That Connected Themselves with Women, and the Women Also Of The Angels Who Went Astray Shall Become Sirens, And I Enoch Saw the Vision the ends Of All Things, and No Man Shall See As I Have Seen

Chapter 20 Names and Functions Of The Seven Archangels

Chapter 20(XX) These Are The Names Of The Holy Angels Who Watch, Uriel, Is Over the world and Over Tartarus, Raphael Who Is Over The Spirits of Men Archangel - Wikipedia You Can Find All the angels and Their Specific Purpose Right Here

Chapter 21 Original Preliminary and Final Punishment Of All Fallen Angels (STARS)

Chapter 21(XXI) Enoch Proceeded Where Things Were Chaotic, And there I Saw Seven Stars Of Heaven Bound Together in It, Like Great Mountains With Burning Fire, Then I Asked For What Sin Are they Bound, and On What Account Have They Been Cast Hither 

Chapter 22 Shoel or The Underworld

Chapter 22(XXII) And thence I went TO Another Place, he Showed Me In the West another Great and High Mountain and Of Hard Rock, and There Was in It Four Hollow Places, Deep and Wide, Smooth, These Hollow Places Have Been Created For This Very Purpose Spirits Of the Souls Of the Dead Should Assemble Here Until The Day Of Judgement

Chapter 23 The Fire That Connects to The Luminaries Of Heaven

Chapter 23(XXIII) From Thence I Went TO another Place To The West Of the Ends Of The Earth, This Burning Fire Persecutes All The Luminaries Of Heaven

Chapters 24-25 Will Explain What you need to know About The Seven Mountains in the North West and the Tree Of Life (Tree Of the Serpent?)

Chapter 24(XXIV) There Was a Tree Such As I Had Never Smelt, Neither Was Any Amongst Them, It Had A Fragrance Beyond All Fragrance, and Its Leaves and Blooms and Wood Wither Not

Chapter 25(XXV) I Wish To Know Everything, Especially About This Tree, As For The Fragrant Tree, No Mortal Is Permitted to Touch It Until The Day Of Judgement, Its Fruit Shall Be For The Food For The Elect, It shall Be Transplanted to The Holy Place

Chapter 26 Jerusalem, The Mountains, Ravines, and Streams

Chapter 26(XXVI) All the Ravines Were Deep and Narrow, being Formed Of Hard Rock, and Trees Were Not Planted Upon Them

Chapter 27 The Purpose Of the Accursed Valley

Chapter 27(XXVII)  For What Object To This Blessed Land Entirely Filled With Trees and Accursed Valley Between, This Accursed Valley Is For Those Who Are accursed For ever, and Shall Be Gathered together Who Utter The Lips Against The Lord Click here for the YouTube Video Of The Reason For This Accursed Valley

Chapters 28-33 Moving Further Into The Journey To The East

Chapter 28(XXVIII)  And thence I went To The East and I Saw A Wilderness And It Was Solitary, Full Of Trees And Plants, Water Gushed Forth From Above, This Is What Cause Dew And Clouds to Ascend On Every Side

Chapter 29(XXIX) I went To Another Place Approached to The East I Saw Aromantic Trees Exhaling The Fragrance Of Frankincense and myrrh, These Were Similar to The Almond Tree A brief history of the Almond tree... (

Chapter 30(XXX) Beyond These I went Afar To East Saw Another Place A Valley Of Water, And There Was A Tree Of Colour (Tree Of Life) Tree Of all Trees as The Mastic, On The Sides Of The Valleys I Saw A fragrance Of Cinnamon

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Climbing the Tree Of Life, Does This Picture Remind You Of anything,

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Of Course Your Human DNA bloodline in action shown in the Human Design Graph brought forth when you enter your birthdate, check out the picture below on how similar it is, it brings nine points of origin just like the Human Design Graph Does, check this out, I used this picture to explain a New Thought I had When It Came To Spiritual Growth when A personal Reading Proclaimed

Photo Downloaded from available to public by birthdate

Chapter 31(XXXI)
Beyond these Mountains I Saw Another Mountain And All The Tress Were Full Of Stacte, being like a Almond Tree, and One Burnt It, It Smelt Sweeter Than any Fragrant Odour, Is He Talking About White Sage, or Sage In General, because the smell of the trees are what is in reference, not size and shape

Chapter 32(XXXII)  Towards the North Over The Mountains I Saw Seven Mountains Full Of Choice Nard and Fragrant Trees Of Cinnamon And Pepper, The Wisdom Tree Was Also Seen, Holy Angel Raphael Said To Enoch, This Is The Tree Of Wisdom, In Which Who Before Thee Have Eaten And They Learnt Wisdom And Their Eyes Were Open, They Knew They Were Naked And They Were Driven Out Of The Garden

Chapter 33(XXXIII) From Thence I Went to The Ends Of Earth and Saw The Great Beast, Each Differed From The Other, to The East Of Those Beast I Saw The Ends of The Earth Where On Heaven Rest, and The Portals Of Heavens Open

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Chapters 34-35 Enochs Journey To the North

Chapter 34(XXXIV)  From Thence I Went To The North To The Ends Of Earth There I Saw A Great and Glorious Device At The Ends Of the Whole Earth, And There i Saw Three Portals Of The Heaven Open in the Heaven, Through Each Of Them Proceed North Winds, When They Blow There Is Snow, Hail, Dew, and Rain, Out Of One Portal they Blow For good, The Other Two They Blow With Vengeance and Violence afflicted On Earth

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Chapter 35(XXXV) From Thence I Went Towards The West To The Ends Of earth, and Saw Three Portals Of Heaven Open Such As I Had Seen In the East, Same number of Portals Same Number Of Outlets 

Chapter 36 Journey To The South

Chapter 36(XXXVI) From Thence I went to The South, I Saw Three Open Portals of The Heaven, Each In Its Own, From Here Through Each Of These Small Portals Pass The Stars Of Heaven and Run Their Course To The West On The Path Which Is Shown to Them Specifically Bible Gateway Revelation 21 :: NIV (

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As Enoch Said, Here Are Your Three From The West, Three From The South, Three From the East, and Three From The North, your 12 portal locations of Heaven From Earth, simple compass  

The Parables Start Here, Once You Know You Cannot Turn Back, Nothing Will Make Sense If You Do

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Chapters 37-44 The First Parable

Chapter 37(XXXVII) The Second Vision In which He Saw, Was the Vision Of Wisdom, Till This Day Such Wisdom Has Never Been Given By The Lord Of Spirits as I Have Received According to My Insight, Now Three Parables Were Imparted to Me, I lifted Up My Voice and recounted them To Those That Dwell on Earth

Chapter 38 Refers To The Judgement Of The Wicked

Chapter 38(XXXVIII) The Sinners shall Be Judged For Their Sins, And When The Righteous One Appears Before The Eyes Of The Righteous

Chapter 39 The Abode Of The Righteous and the Elect One, referred to as the Praises of The Blessings

Chapter 39(XXXIX) Their Seed Will Become One With The Children Of Men, Mercy Shall Not Be Accorded to Them

Chapter 40 The Four Archangels

Chapter 40(XL) And I Heard the Fourth Voice Fending Off The Satans and Forbidden Them To Come Before The Lord Of Spirits To Accuse them Who Dwell On The Earth

Chapter 41 Verse 1-2 Anticipation of Judgement

Chapter 41,1-2(XLI) After I Saw All The Secrets Of Heaven, and How The Kingdom Is Divided, and How The Actions Of Men are Weighted In the Balance

Chapter 41 Verse 3-9 Astronomical Secrets

Chapter 41, 3-9(XLI) There My Eyes Saw the Secrets Of Ligtening and Thunder, And the Secrets Of the Winds, How They Are Divided to Blow Over The Earth, and The Secrets Of The Clouds and Dew, And After that I Saw the Hidden and Visible Path Of The Moon, as She Accomplishes The Course Of Her Path In The Place Day by Night

Chapter 42 The Dwelling Places Of Wisdom and of Unrighteousness

Chapter 42(XLII) Then A Dwelling Place Was Assigned to Her In The Heavens

Chapters 43-44 More Astronomical Secrets

Chapter 43(XLIII) He Called Them All By Their Names and They Harkened Unto Him

Chapter 44(XLIV) Also Another Phenomenon I Saw In Regard To The Lightening's, How Some Stars Arise and Become Lightening and Cannot Part With Their New Form

Chapters 45-57 The Second Parable Time Of The Dead Sea Scrolls

Chapter 45 The Lot of the Apostates The New Heaven and the New Earth

Chapter 45(XLV) Second Parable Concerning those Who Deny the name Of the Dwelling Of The Holy Ones and Lord Of Spirits,, And Into Heaven They Shall Not Ascend

Chapter 46 Breaks Down The Ancient of Days and the Son Of Man

Chapter 46( XLVI) And His Head was white Like Wool, Because The Lord of Spirits Has Chosen Him With A Lot Prepared For Him For Eternity

Chapter 47 The Prayer of the Righteousness for Vengeance and Their Joy At Its Coming

Chapter 47(XLVII) And In those Days Shall Have Ascended The Prayer Of the Righteousness,  Because the Number Of The Righteous Had been Offered, and The Prayer of the Righteous Had Been Heard

Chapter 48 The Fount Righteous the Son of Man The Stay Of The Righteous with Judgement of the Kings and the All Mighty

Chapter 48(XLVIII) And That Place I saw A fountain Of Righteousness, Which Is Inexhaustible, and Around It were Many Fountains Of wisdom, The Ones who Were Thirsty For Knowledge Drank From These Wise Fountains And therefore Was filled With The Wisdom

Chapter 49 The Power and Wisdom Of The Elect One

Chapter 49(XLIX) For The Power Of Wisdom Is Poured Out Like Water, and Glory Faileth Not Before Him For Evermore

Chapter 50 The Glorification and Victory Of the Righteousness Brought the Repentance Of The Gentiles

Chapter 50(L) And In Thise Days A Change Shall Take Place For The Holy and The Elect, at His Judgement The Unrepentance Shall Perish Before Him

Chapter 51 The Resurrection Of The Dead the Separation by the Judge of the Righteousness and the Wicked

Chapter 51(LI) and In Those Days Shall the Earth also Give back That which Had been Entrusted to it, And Sheol Should also Give Back That which it Had received, and hell Shall Give Back That which Owes, And The Elect One Shall Walk thereon

Chapter 52 The Six Metals Mountains and the Elect One

Chapter 52(LII) And After Those Days In That Place Where I has Seen all the Visions OF that Which Is Hidden, for I had been carried in a whirlwind and had borne me towards the west

Chapter 53-54 Verse 6 The Valley Of Judgment: Angels Punishment: The Communities of the Elect One

Chapter 53(LIII) There Mine Eyes Saw a Deep Valley With open Mouths and All Who Dwell On The Earth and Sea and Islands Shall Bring To Him Gifts and present, and tokens of homage, But the deep valley shall not became full, For I saw the Angels Of Punishment Abiding There and Preparing all the Instruments of the Dark Forces, Shall Forever be banished, But Righteously

Chapter 54 Verse 7-55 Verse 2 Noachic Fragment on the First World Judgment

Chapter 54( LIV) And I Looked And Turned to Another Part Of earth, And Saw A Deep Valley With Burning Fire, They Brought The Kings and the Mighty and Began to cast Then Into the Deep Valley, These Chains Were being Prepared For Azazel, The One Angel to Take To The Heat For It All, In The Beginning, First, and In Those Days Shall Punishment Shall Come From the Lord Of Spirits and he Will Open all The Chambers Of Waters which are above the Heavens which are beneath the earth

Chapter 55 Verse 3-56 Verse 4 Final Judgment of Azazel, the Watchers and Their Children

Chapter 55, 3-Chapter 56(LV) When I have Desired to Take Hold Of them By the Hand Of the angels On the Day Of tribulation and pain because Of This, I will Cause My Chastisement and My Wrath to abide Upon them saith The Lord Of Spirits

Chapter 56 Verse 5-8 Last Struggle Of the Heathen Powers against Israel

Chapter 56(LVI) and I Saw there A Host Of Angels Of Punishment going, and they Held Scourages and Chains of Iron and Bronze

Chapter 56 5-8(LVI) And In those Days the Angels Shall Return and Hurl Themselves To The East Upon The Parthians and Meded, They Shall Stir Up Kings so that A Spirit Shall Come Upon Them, Sheol Shall Devour The Sinners in The Presence Of the Elect

          Chapter 57 The Return from the Dispersion

Chapter 57(LVII) After This I Saw A Host Of Wagons, and Men Riding Thereon, and Coming In the Winds From The East and From The West To The South, and the Noise Of Their Wagons was Heard, and when This Turmoil took place The Holy Ones From Heaven Remarked It, and The Pillars of The Earth Were Moved From Their Place, And This Is The End of The Second Parable

Chapters 58-69 The Third Parable 

Chapter 58 The Blessesness of the Saints

Chapter 58(LVIII) Blessed Are ye, The Righteous and Elect, For Glorious Shall Be Your Lot, And There shall Be Light that Never Endeth

Chapter 59 The Lights and the Thunder

Chapter 59(LIX) In those Days My Eoyes Saw The Secrets Of the Lightening, and Of the Lights, and The Judgements They Execute(lit their judgemnt) and They Lighten For The Blessing Or a Curse as the Lord Of spirits Willeth

Chapter 60 Quaking Of Heaven Behemoth and Leviathan the Elements

Chapter 60(LX) When The Punishment Of The Lord Of Spirits shall Rest Upon Them, It shall Rest, Rest In Order The, The Punishment Of the Lord of Spirits May Not Come In Vain and It shall Slay The Children with their mothers and the children with their fathers afterwards the judgement shall take place according to His Mercy and His Patience

Chapter 61 Angels Leave to Measure Paradise, The Judgment Of the Righteousness by the Elect One The Praise of the Elect one of God

Chapter 61(LXI) And I saw In those Days How Long Cords Were Given To The Angels And they Took It to themselves wings and Flew, went towards the North, Theses Angels Went To Bring The Measures Of Righteousness

Chapter 62 Judgement of the Kings and the All Might Blessedness of the Righteousness

Chapter 62(LXII)  The Lord Commanded Open Your Eyes and Lift Up Your Horns if Ye Are able To Recognize The Elect One, And he will Deliver Them To The Angels For Punishment, To execute Vengeance On them Because They Have Oppressed His Children And His Elect

Chapter 63 The Unavailing Repentance of the Kings and All Mighty

Chapter 63(LXIII) They should Say to Themselves, Our souls Is Full Of Unrighteous Gain But It does Not Prevent Us From Descending From the Midst Thereof into The Burden of Sheol

Chapter 64 Vision Of The Fallen Angels in the Place Of Punishment

Chapter 64(LXIV) And Other Forms I Saw Hidden, I heard A Voice Of the Angel saying, these Are The angels who Descended to the earth, and Revealed what was hidden to the children of men and seduced the children of men into committing sin

Chapter 65 Enoch Foretells To Noah the Deluge and his own Preservation

Chapter 65(LXV) And In those Days Noah Saw the Earth That It Had Sunk Down And Destruction Was Nigh, He Cried Out Aloud To His Grandfather Enoch, Tell Me what It Is That Is Falling Out On the Earth Is In such Evil Plight and Shaken, Lest Per Chance I Shall Perish With It, 

Chapter 66 The Angels Of the Waters Bidden to Hold Them In Check

Chapter 66(LXVI) and The Lord Gave His Commandment To The angels Who Were Going Forth, That They Should Not Cause The Waters to Rise but Hold them Back For Check And I Went Away From the Presence Of Enoch

Chapter 67 Gods Promise To Noah Places Of Punishment of the Angels and of the Kings

Chapter 67(LXVII) Noah, Thy Lot has Come Up Before Me, a Lot without Blame, A Lot Of Uprighteousness and Love, And He will Imprison Those Angels Who Have Shown Unrighteousness, In the burning Valley Which My Grandfather Enoch had formerly shown Me in the West among the mountains Of Gold and silver, and Iron, and soft Metal and Tin

Chapter 68 Micheal and Raphael is Astonished at the Severity Of Punishment

Chapter 69( LXVIII) The Power Of the Spirit Transports and Makes Me To Treble Because Of the Severity Of the Judgement of The Angels, Who Can Endure The Severe Judgement which Has been executed and Before Which they Melt Away

Chapter 69 The Names And Functions of the Fallen Angels and Satans {The Secret Oath}

Chapter 69(LXIX) and After This Judgement The Shall Terrify and Make Them To Tremble Because They Have Shown This To Those Who Dwell On Earth ( Secrets That were Meant For The Holy Ones Only) And From His Hand They Have Proceeded Against those Who Dwell On the Earth From That Day And Forever More, And the Heaven Was suspended Before The Worked Was Created, This Is the Third Parable Of Enoch

Chapter 70 The Final Translation Of Enoch

Chapter 70( LXX) and It Came To Pass after This that Time His Name During His Lifetime Was raised Aloft To The=at Son Of Man to the Lord Of Spirits From Amongst Those who Dwell On the Earth, And From this I Was No Longer Numbered Amongst Them, and He set me Between the two Minds, between the North And the West Where The angels Took The Cords To Measure For Me The Place For The Elect and righteous

Chapter 71 Two Earlier Visions Of Enoch

Chapter 71(LXXI) And It Came To Pass After This My Spirit Was Translated And It Ascended Into Heaven And I Saw The Holy Sons Of The Lord, And These Blessings Which went Forth Out Of My Mouth Were Well Pleasing Before The Head Of Days, Thousands on top Of Thousands Of Angels Without Number

Chapter 72-82 The Astronomical Book

Chapter 72 The Sun "his circumference"

Chapter 72(LXXII)  The first There Goes there forth The Sun, His Circumference Is Like the Circumference Of Heaven, And He is Quite Filled With illuminating And Heating Fire, As He Rises So He Sets and Decreases Not, and Rest Not, But Runs Day and Night, His Light Is Seven Times Brighter Than That Of The Moon, But In Regards Of The Same Size, The Reason Why The Sun Is Seven Times Brighter is Because The Moon Comes with Phases To appropriately Keep In Place As Set by The Universe

Chapter 73 The Moon and Its Phases "her circumference)

Chapter 73(LXXIII) After This Law i Saw Another Illuminaries, Which Is Named The Sun, And Her Circumference Is Like The Circumference Of Heaven, and Her Chariot Which She Rides Is Driven By The Winds, Her Rising And Setting Change Each Month And When Her Light Is Uniform, It amounts to The Seventh Part Of Teh Light Of The Sun

Chapter 74 The Lunar Year (Cycle Of A Woman)

Chapter 74(LXXIV) And I Saw Another Course Of Law How She Changes And Performs Her Monthly Revolution, And the Sun And The Stars Bring In all The Years Exactly so Tat They Don't Advance Or Delay their position by a single day unto Eternity, but Complete The Years with Perfect Justice Of 364days

Chapter 75 Leaders Of The Heads Of Thousands

Chapter 75(LXXV) Who Are Placed Over The World Creation And Over The Stars, Have Also to Do With The Four Intercalary Days, being Inseparable From Their Office, And One Portal Is larger Than The Rest, It Is the One That makes ITs Course Through The Entire Universe

Chapter 76 The Twelve Winds and The Portals Reference: 12 Jewels On The Wall Of Jerusalem 12 Houses Of The Birth Chart 12 Zodiac Signs 12 Disciples The First 12 Created In The 77 Generations Of Luke (including Enoch, The Seventh From Adam)

Chapter 76(LXXVI)  And at The Ends of The Earth I Saw Twelve Portals open to all the quarters(of the heaven) From Whence The winds go Forth and blow Over the Earth, Three open East, Three West, Three On The right To The South, and Three Are Left North

12 Sacred Portals Three Open From The From Of Heaven Three Open From The Back Three To The Right Of Heaven Three to The Left Of Heaven

12 Sacred Gems Of Revelation 12 Apostles 12 Zodiac 12 Houses 

Chapter 77 (77 Generations Of Noah) Four Quarters of the Worlds The Seven Mountains The Seven Rivers Seven Great Islands

Chapter 77(LXXVII)  And The First Quarter Is called the east, Because It is First, The Second The South Because The Most High Will Descend There, and The West Quarter Is Named The Diminished, The Fourth Quarter, Named the North is divided Into Three parts, Dwelling Of Men, Sea Of Water, and The Abyss and Forests and Rivers, and The Darkness Of Clouds, and The Third Part Contains The Garden Of Righteousness

Chapter 78 The Sun and Moon The Waxing and Waning Of The Moon

Chapter 78(LXXVIII) And In Certain Months The Month Has Twenty-Nine Days and Once 28, She Becomes Full Exactly On the Day When The sun Sets in The West

Chapters 79-80 Recapitalizations Of Quite A Few Laws

Chapter 79(LXXIX) And he Showed Me All The Laws Of These for Every Day, and For Every Season of Bearing Rule, And For Every Year, and for Its going Forth, And for The Order Prescribed to it every Month and Every Week

Chapter 80 Verse 2-8 Perversion Of Nature and the Heavenly Bodies Due to Sin Of Men

Chapter 80(LXXX) And In Those Days the Sinners days had To be Shortened, and Their Seed Shall Be tardy on The Theor Lands and Fields, The Whole Order Of The stars shall Be Hidden From The Sinners, And Punishment Shall come Upon Them So as To Destroy All

Chapter 81 The Heavenly Tablets and the Main Mission Of Enoch

Chapter 81(LXXXI) Observe Enoch These Heavenly Tablets, And Read What Is Wrotten and Mark Every Fact, and those Seven Holy Ones Brought Me to Earth Before The Door Of My House and Said, Declare Everything to son Methuselah, and as show to all Thy Children That No Flesh is Righteous in the sight of the Lord, He Is their Creator, Enoch had One year, Then he Would Be taken From Their Midst

Chapter 82 Charge Givin To Enoch The Four Intercalary days The Stars Which Lead The Seasons and the Months

Chapter 82(LXXXII) I Have given Wisdom To thee and Thy Children, This Wisdom Shall Pass For Many Generations, Those Who Understand It Will Not Sleep, But Shall Listen With The ear That They may Learn This Wisdom, And It Shall Please those Who eat, Better Than Food

Chapters 83-90 The Dream Visions

Chapters 83-84 First Dream Vision on the Deluge

Chapter 83(LXXXIII) Now My Son Methuselah I Will Show Thee All My Visions which I Have Seen Recounting Them Before Thee

Chapter 84(LXXXIV) And Nothing Is Too Hard For Thee, Wisdom Departs not From The Place Of Thy Throne, Nor turns away From Thy Presence

Chapters 85-90 Second Dream Vision Enoch The History of the Worlds to the Founding of the Messianic Kingdom

Chapter 85( LXXXV) Before I took Thy Mother Edna, I Saw In A Vision on my Bed, and behold a Bull Came Forth From Earth, and That Bull Was White

Chapter 86 The Fall of the Angels and Demoralization of Mankind

Chapter 86(LXXXVI) And All The Oxen And Were Affrighted at Them, And Began to bite With Their Teeth and To Devour, And to Gore with Their Horns

Chapter 87 The Advent of the Seven Archangels

Chapter 87(LXXXVII) And Again I Saw How The Began to Gore Each Other and To Devour Each Other, And The Earth Began To Cry, he Was taken Up And told To Remain There Till Thou Seest Everything That Befalls Those Elephants, Camels, Asses, and Stars And The Oxen, And All Of Them

Chapter 88 The Punishment of the Fallen Angels by the Archangels

 Chapter 88(LXXXIX) And I saw One Of those Four Who Had Come Forth First and He Is Seized that first star which had fallen from The Heaven and Bound It and Foot and Cast it Into The Abyss

Chapter 89 Verse 1-9 The Deluge and The Deliverance of Noah

Chapter 89, 1-9(LXXXIX) And One OF Those Four Went To White Bull and Instructed him In Secret, Without Him Being Terrified, He Was Born A bull, And Become A Man, and Built For Himself A Great Vessel And Dwelt Thereon, Three Bulls Dwelt With Him

Chapter 89 Verse 10-27 From The Death of Noah to The Exodus

Chapter 89, 10-27(LXXXIX) And The Lord Brought Eleven Sheep To Live With It And To Pasture With It Amongst The Wolves, And They Multiplied And Become Flocks Of Sheep, Wolves Began to Fear Them So They Began To Destroy The Little Ones, And The Lord of The Sheep Went With Them, As their Leader, And All Of The Sheep Followed, The Wolves Still Followed the Sheep until they Reached A Sea Of Water

Chapter 89 Verse 28-40 Israel In the Desert Giving of the Law The Entrance Into Canaan

Chapter 89, 28-40(LXXXIX)  But The Sheep Escaped the Body Of Water and Went Forth into The Wilderness, Where There Was No Grass, But The Lord Of the Sheep Was pasturing them and Giving Them Water And Grass, Arose two Sheep As Leaders In the Place Of those which Had Led Them And Fallen Asleep(had fallen asleep and led Them, think about sleep walking, or or astral travel, or dream travel), And I saw till The Sheep Came To A godly Place, And A Pleasant and Glorious Land

Chapter 89 Verses 41-50 From the Time Of The Judges To The Build Of The Temple

Chapter 89, 41-50(LXXXIX) Sometimes Their Eyes Were Blinded, Sometimes Open, And The Ram Began to butt All Sides of the Dogs, Foxes, and Wild Boars Till They Destroyed them all, And That House Become Great and Broad, And It was Built For Those Sheep

Chapter 89 Verses 51-67 Two Kingdoms Of Israel and Judah to the Destruction of Jerusalem

Chapter 89, 51-67(LXXXIX)  And I Saw the Lord Of The Sheep How he Wrought Much Slaughter Amongst them In Their Hears Until Those Invited The Slaughter and Betrayed his Place In Which He Built For Them, And He Gave Them Over Into The Hands Of The Lions and Tigers, Wolves, and Into The Hands Of The Foxes And Those wild Beast Began To Tear The Sheep Apart, I Began to Cry aloud In All My Power On Behalf Of The Sheep, But The Lord Of The Sheep Did Not Seem Phased, The Sacred Place Was Demolished, By The Sheep Actions and Spiritual Consequences Of the Actions

Chapter 89 Verses 68-71 First Period Of Angelic Rulers From the Destruction of Jerusalem to the return of Captivity

Chapter 89, 68-71(LXXXIX) And The Book Was Read In Front Of The Lord Of Sheep and He Took The Book From His Hand and Read It , Then Laid It Down

Chapter 89 Verses 72-77 Second Period Time Of Cyrus to Alexander The Great

Chapter 89, 72-77(LXXXIX) And they Began to Rebuild What Was Demolished, and reared Up the tower, and It was named high Tower, They Began to Place A Table Before The Tower But all The Bread on It was Polluted and Not Pure, And As in touching It They Became Blind so That They Saw Not, Likewise to the Shepherds Of the Herds

Chapter 90 Verses 1-5 Third Period from Alexander The Great to the Graeco-Syrian Domination

Chapter 90, 1-5(XC) And I Saw Until That Twenty-three Had Undertaken the Pasturing and Completed in Their Several Periods Fifty-Eight Times

Chapter 90 Verses 6-12 Fourth Period Graeco-Syrian Domination to the Maccabean Revolt Debated

Chapter 90, 6-12(XC) And those Raven Fought and Battled With It and Sought To lay Low Its Horn, But They Had no Power Over It

Chapter 90 Verses 13-19 Last Assault of The Gentiles on The Jews

Chapter 90 13-19(XC) And I saw till the great Sword Was given To The Sheep, and the sheep Proceeded against All The Beast, and I Saw Till The Man Who Wrote Down The Names Of These Shepherds and Carried Up Into The Presence Of the Lord Of the Sheep, Came In Helped it and Showed It Everything, he had come down For the help Of That Ram

Chapter 90 Verses 20-27 Judgment Of the Fallen Angels The Shepherds The Apostates 

Chapter 90 20-27(XC) And I saw till A throne Erected From The Pleasant Land, And the Lord Of The Sheep Sat Himself Thereon, saying take those Seventy Shepards To whom I Delivered the Sheep And who Taken them On Theor Own authority slew More Than I Commanded Them, And behold They are All Bound

Chapter 90 28-42 New Jerusalem The Conversion of The Surviving Gentiles The Resurrection Of The Righteousness The Messiah Enoch Awakes and Weeps

Chapter 90 28-42(XC) And i Stood Up To See till The Folded Up That Old House and Carried Off Its pillars, and all The Beams and Ornament were Carried Along With it, And the Lord Of the Sheep Brought A new House, New Pillars, New Ornaments and Larger than the First

Chapters 91-108 The Epistle Of Enoch

          Chapter 91-92 Enochs Book of Adnomination for His Children To His Children

          Chapter 91 1-11 Speach to The Sons Of Enoch 

Chapter 91, 1-11(XCI) And Now my Son Methuselah, call to me All thy Brothers, and gather together to Me all The Sons Of My Mother, For That I may Show You Everything That Shall Befall You forever, Part Of this speech Was Walk In Righteousness, My Sons, and It Shall Guide You On good Paths, and Righteousness Shall be your Companion, For I Know That Violence Must Increase On Earth (Without pressure nothing moves) and A Great Chastisement Be Executed On the Earth, And All Unrighteousness Must Come to an End

Chapter 91 Verses 12-17 The Last Three Weeks

Chapter 91 12-17(XCI) And After That shall be Another, the eight week, that of the Righteous, and A sword shall Be Given In The Right Of Judgement May be executed on the Oppressors, and The sinners shall Be Deliverd Into the hands Of The Righteous 

Chapter 92(XCII) And the Book Was written By Enoch, Complete Doctrine Of wisdom, Which Is Praised by man and judged by earth, And For The Future generations Who Shall Observe Uprighteousness and Peace On Earth 

Chapter 93 The Apocalypse of Weeks

Chapter 93(XCIII) And after that Enoch Began To Recount From The books, Concerning The Children Of the Righteous and Concerning The Elect Of the World, Enoch Declared them A Vision, One He Learnt From The Heavenly Tablets 

Chapter 94 1-5 Admonitions to the Righteousness

Chapter 94, 1-5(XCIV)  But Seek And chose For Yourselves righteousness and an Elect Life, and walk In the Paths Of Peace, And Shall Live and Prosper

Chapter 94 Verses 6-11 Woes for The Sinners

Chapter 94 6-11(XCIV)  Woe to Those Who Build Unrighteousness and Oppression, And Lay a deceit As A Foundation, For They shall Be Suddenly Overthrown (Boom Shaka Laka) And They Shall Have No Peace, and your Creator Shall Rejoice Your Destruction

Chapter 95 Enochs Grief Fresh Woes Against All Sinners

Chapter 95(XCV)  Oh That Mine Eyes Were A Cloud Of Water, That I might Weep Over You, Fear Not The Sinners, Ye Righteous, For Again Will Deliver Them Into your hands That Ye May Execute Judgement Upon Them According To your Desires, Woes to All the Broken Souls

Chapter 96 Grounds of Hope and Righteous Woes For the Wicked

Chapter 96( XCVI) Be hopeful Ye righteous,  For Suddenly Shall the sinners Perish Before you, and ye shall have Lordship Over Them According To your Desires, Woe to you Who Drink From every Fountain, For Suddenly she Ye be consumed and wither Away Because Ye Have Forsaken The Fountain Of Life

Chapter 97 The Evils in Store for Sinners and the Possessors of Unrighteous Wealth

Chapter 97(XCVII) Believe Ye Righteous That The sinners Will Become shame and Perish In the Day Of Unrighteousness, But Known Unto You, Ye sinners, That The Most High Is Mindful Of Your Destruction, There Is Always someone Watching

Chapter 98 Self Indulgence of sinners Sin Originated by Man All Sin Recorded In Heaven Woes For The Sinners

Chapter 98( XCVIII) And Now I Swear unto You To The Wise And to The Foolish, For ye Shall Have A Manifold Of Experiences On the Earth, And they Shall Perish Along With all the Possessions Of Riches, Woe to you Ye Fools For Through Your Folly Shall Ya Perish, And Ye Transgress Against The Wise And so Good Hap Shall Not Be Your Portion

Chapter 99 Woes Pronounced on The Godless The lawbreakers Evil Plight of Sinners in the Last Days

Chapter 99(XCIX) Woe To you Who Pervert The Words Of Uprighteousness, and transgress The Ternal Law, and transform Themselves Into What They Are Not (sinners0 They shall Be Trodden Under Foot upon Earth, Walked On

Chapter 100 the Sinners Destroy each Other Judgement of the Fallen angels The Safety Of The Righteous Further Woes For The Sinners

Chapter 100(C) And then The Children Of The Earth Shall see Wise In Security And shall Understand all the Words Of This book, (Everything that was written in 1917 is happening now)And Recognize That Their Riches Shall Not Be able to Save Them In the Over Throw Of Their Sins, You Cannot Be Rich On Earth And Heaven, It Don't Work That Way

Chapter 101 Exhortation of the fear of God all nature Fears but The Not The Sinners

Chapter 101( CI) Observe The Heaven Ye Children Of Heaven And Every Work Of he Most High, And Fear Ye Him And Work No Evil In His Presence (or behind his back), If he Closes the Windows Of Heaven and Withholds Rain and The dew Descending On the Earth On Your Account, what will ye do then.

Chapter 102 Terrors of the Day Judgement The Adverse Fortunes of The Righteous on Earth

Chapter 102(CII) In In those days When He Hath Brought A Grievous Fire upon, Whether Will Ye Flee and Where Will You Find Deliverance, And All The angels Shall Execute Their Demands And Shall Seek To Hide Themselves From The Prescence Of The Great Glory, 

Chapter 103 Different Destines of the Righteous and The Sinners Fresh Objectives of the Sinners

Chapter 103(CIII) I Know A Mystery, and I have read The Heavenly Book, and I Have seen The Holy Books, And Have Found Written There In And Inscribed Regarding Them, We Have Hoped to Be the Head But have Become the tail, We Have toiled Laboriously and no satisfaction in our toil, We have become food For The Sinners and unrighteous, 

Chapter 104 Assurance Given to the Righteousness Admonitions to Sinners and The Falsified of Words of Righteousness

Chapter 104(CIV)  I swear unto you That The angels In Heaven, They All Remember You For Good before The Glory Of the Great One, And To Them The books Shall Be Given, and They shall Believe In them and Rejoice over them, and then Shall all the righteous who have learnt therefrom all the paths of uprighteousness be recompensed

Chapter 105 God and The Messiah to Dwell With Man

Chapter 105(CV) and In Those Days The Lord Bade Them To summon and Testify to The Children Of Earth Concerning Their Wisdom, Show Unto them For You Are Their Guides

Chapters 106-107 Birth Of Noah

Chapter 106(CVI)  and After Some Days My Son Methuselah Took a Wife And For His Son Lamech, and She Became Pregnant, The Son Was white As snow and Red as the blooming Of A Rose (Red Blood) and the Hair Of His Head Long Locks Light as wool and his eyes beautiful and when his eyes opened he lightened up the whole house, and his Father Lamech Was Afraid OF him and Fled,(This shocked me, The Spiritual Ones can Relate, most are called the black Sheep, The ones that get S*** Done) And Came OT His Father Methuselah and said Unto Him, i Have begotten A Strange Son, Diverse Unlike Man, and Resembling The Sons Of The God Of Heaven , and his Nature Is Different and He is Not like Us, And his Eyes are as rays Of The Sun, and his Contence Is glorious, And Enoch Said, Yes This Son That Has been Born unto you, Shall Remain On Earth, He Shall Have Three Children That Will Be Saved With Him, We Shall Call Him NOAH

Chapter 107(CVII) The Heavenly Tablets Had A Message, And I Saw Wrotten On them That Generation Upon Generation, upon Generation shall Transgress, Till The Generation Of Uprighteousness rises above the Unrighteousness, And transgression Be destroyed and sin Passes away From This Earth

Chapter 108 Conclusion Of This Book Of Enochs Journey Through The Heavens For Many Generations To Come

Chapter 108(CVIII) The Birth Of Noah, Great Grandson Of Enoch. And The sinners Shall Cry Aloud And see Them Resplendent And they indeed Will go Where Days and Seasons Are Prescribed to Them, Check out Your Birth Chart Placements, Life Path Number, Human Design Level, Your Life Is Written Before You Were Born, Your Just Acting It Out, Love Ya

     In Enoch 2, Enoch Was Taken Through A Triangular Portal Through Earth Centered Cosmo The Second Book of Enoch, also known as The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, is most noted for its description of multiple heavens and accounts of battles between angels and devils.

    1. The first heaven is just above the firmament (Genesis 1:6-7) where the angels control atmospheric phenomena such as the storehouses of snow and rain and the waters above.
    2. In the second heaven, Enoch finds darkness: a prison where rebel angels are tortured.
    3. In the third heaven, he sees both paradise represented as the Garden of Eden which is also guarded by angels (similar to 2 Corinthians 12:2) and hell where bad men are tortured.
    4. The fourth heaven is the place of the movements of the Sun and of the Moon, which are described in detail. Around the Sun he sees angelic creatures known as phoenixes (which also reside in the sixth heaven) and chalkydri. There is also on this level a heavenly choir comprising soldier angels whose singing is wonderful and marvelous.
    5. In the fifth heaven, Enoch finds some Grigori: soldiers of Satan that look like human beings but were giants. They were in a state of limbo, having not yet been condemned, and Enoch convinced them to repent.
    6. In the sixth heaven, he sees the angels in charge of governing the cosmos and people. These are the archangels who are above angels, measure all life in heaven and on earth, and the angels who are (appointed) over seasons and years, the angels who are over rivers and sea, and who are over the fruits of the earth, and the angels who are over every grass, giving food to all, to every living thing, and the angels who write all the souls of men, and all their deeds, and their lives before the Lord's face.
    7. In the seventh heaven, Enoch, now guided by Gabriel, is allowed to enter and sees the Lord on his throne face to face but only from a distance. This is where the legions of God's angels live in beautiful light.
    8. The eighth heaven is just below the upper firmament in which are stuck the constellations; here resides Muzaloth, changer of the seasons and mover of the constellations.
    9. The ninth heaven is the upper firmament in which are fixed the constellations and the changer of the seasons.
    10. The tenth and final heaven is where God's throne resides and God's face may be seen up close. Here he holds court.

Some points that appear in 1 Enoch and 3 Enoch are: Enoch ascends to Heaven in a “storm chariot” (3 Enoch 6:1; 7:1) Enoch is transformed into an angel (3 Enoch 9:1–5; 15:1–2) Enoch is enthroned in Heaven as the exalted angel Metatron (3 Enoch 10:1–3; 16:1) Enoch receives a revelation of cosmological secrets of creation (3 Enoch 13:1–2) The story about precious metals and how they will not avail their users and those that make idols from them (3 Enoch 5:7–14) Hostile angels named 'Uzza'Azza, and 'Azzael challenge Enoch before God (3 Enoch 4:6) and are mentioned again in passing (5:9)

The main themes running through 3 Enoch are the ascension of Enoch into Heaven and his transformation into the angel Metatron.

This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eye-lashes to flashes of lightning, his eye-balls to flaming torches, and whom God placed on a throne next to the throne of glory, received after this heavenly transformation the name Metatron.


Lets talk About Who King James Is, The One That Wrote The bible You Read. Who Are you Gonna Believe, Him Or Noahs Great Grandfather Enoch, Did you know he wrote the Demonology Book First Don't ya, Well Ya Do Now


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